Welcome to Bassett Elementary Library!
Welcome to the library! Our library’s mission is to promote literacy and the enjoyment of reading. An excellent library media center positively impacts student achievement, fosters reading, supports information literacy, and nurtures lifelong learning.
Library Hours.
Our library doors are open from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.
Find a Book
From the catalog you can-
- Search for books in Bassett Elementary
- Find out if the book is available to check out.
Student Educational Resources for Research and Online Learning
The students have access to digital library websites. This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 Students, Parents, Teachers, and Staff. The list features free web resources in academic subjects such as literature, history, and computing.
What is Research?
Frequently Asked Questions
- How to select a book to read?
We have fiction, nonfiction and reference books for research and projects. Fiction represents something which is not true, it is unreal, whereas nonfiction indicates a factual account. Before selecting a book to check out, look at the title and the cover, look at print size for ease-of-reading. Listen to friends, teachers, parents, and librarian’s suggestions.
- The book has been lost/damaged! What do I do?
First, ensure the book is truly lost.
- Check classroom/ classroom libraries, lost and found etc.
- Contact the librarian and find out the replacement cost of the lost or damaged book.
- Pay the replacement cost to the library.
All library funds from the lost or damaged books will go back to the Bassett Library and will be used to not only replace the materials but purchase more!
- How can I or my child become a better reader?
- Read yourself! Show your child that reading is important to you.
- Read with your child! It doesn’t matter how old your child is. Reading together helps to build a strong emotional bond, expand vocabularies, expose children to variety of genres, and creates a passion for reading.
- Ask questions! Ask the kids what they are learning from the book, who are the main characters and what happened at the beginning of the story and what happened at the end of story etc.
Library use and conduct policy:
Always enter quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Respect the speaker and respect the library.
Zero voice level when the teacher or another classmate is presenting something to the class.
If you need assistance, raise your hand.
Do not eat or drink inside the library.
Always use shelf markers when looking for books. Do not play with shelf markers. If you find a book in the wrong place, put it back on the circulation desk, so it can be put away properly.
Use your barcode card to check your books out. Always bring your own books back to the library.
The books you check out are YOUR responsibility! Do not let anyone borrow your book.
If you take your book home, carry it in a backpack and return it to the backpack after reading. Books may be borrowed for 2 weeks. If no one is waiting for the book, you may renew the book.
Learning how to select a book to read:
Our collections include picture books, fiction, nonfiction and reference books for research and projects. Fiction represents something which is not true, it is unreal, whereas nonfiction indicates a factual account. Nonfiction books are informational or factual books. Our library is equipped with technologies including computers.
Before selecting a book to check out, look at the title and the cover, look at print size for ease-of-reading. Listen to friends, teachers, parents, and librarian’s suggestions. Also, we have access to reading platforms through Schoology and other digital resources for online learning.
We Celebrate the New Year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and Lunar New Year during the month of January.
Contact: S. Divakar
(818) 782 1340